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Former player would like to think it’s worth coming back to WoT

I've seen many posts today speaking as if WoT is still fun. That's not me being sarcastic. I just lost interest after five years or so when Wargaming decided to revamp special items and crew, and to me just over-complicated things. The fun factor for me pretty much left because suddenly there was a whole new level of seemingly unnecessary busy work in strategizing and extra work to just maintain, when all I wanted to do was play without toxicity. That was what, a couple years ago? It was when they moved a lot of tanks into different tiers, totally changed a lot of dynamics, and turned a lot of them into collector tanks. It felt as if the best players had a lot more opportunity to get better, while the mid-range and lower skill players got abused more. As a 55% player, I felt that.

I've thought about getting back into the rabbit hole, but man was it a time and money sink. (I'm weak for certain purchases, my failing.) I've actually got a much better gaming system now, which would probably help with some of my gaming skilz fails, but I'd have to know things had improved or at least stopped dropping in fun level (from my viewpoint).

Anybody have any encouragement? I've tried most every tank game out there, and WoT has always been the most fun to play of all of them. But the drawbacks and regrets…


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