French Boi

So I mainly play medium tanks and have been for years and only this year that I started delving into heavy tanks. I finished the E 100 line and loved the line (excluding the Tiger 2) and the highlight for me was the E 75, which rewards good armor management and had a very, very sweet gun. The E 100 was okay, but not really for me. So unto the question, how does the AMX M4 fair nowadays? Even after the nerfs, specifically the french boy AMX M4 51. I also wanted to point out that even though the highlight of the line is the AMX M4 54, I'm not really keen on T10 matchmaking so it's more or less focused on the Tier 9. How is it tier for tier? Does the armor hold up? (while holding PP up covering the cupola in mind), and How is the gun handling as well as pen holding up against same tier? what's your experience?

The reason I'm interested in it is the mobility and decent frontal armor with ok to nice gun handling (but mostly mobility).


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