How bad would it really be to just let us uncap framrate/ add in performance settings for us still playing on old gen?

Title says it all; either optimize the game or let us make our own adjustments. I get the argument for not having a performance mode on console because of companies wanting to show off graphics or something like that, but realistically does the game HAVE to run this badly? Any situation that has 20+ husks on screen at once immediately make my frames stutter and dip an extreme amount from all the effects and shadows and shit being thrown on my screen. It only makes the game harder to play when half the team isn't upgrading builds and think they don't need traps because someone dropped them a firerate, reload speed, mist monster build 144 gravedigger back in stonewood. The last thing I want is for my screen to make me nauseous from how awful the game runs because of the amount of neglect it's gotten from its developers. Sorry for the rant, but my pc broke down 2 weeks ago and the parts are still being delivered and these past 2 weeks have been hell to grind on my Xbox one S. Still went from 70 PL to 103 so I'm staying strong💪.

TL;DR: I know the dev team is somewhere in the basement closet of epic HQ but damn lemme turn off shadows xd


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