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Frontlines is an abomination and anyone who played this season should be credit compensated by WG.

In my latest match, we had the following –

  • One of our team kept being able to spawn inside the enemy main first line spawn, all the way through the match

  • One enemy was showing up to our team as friendly, so he could just drive round our bases and shoot shit before people realised he was actually an enemy

  • Drops to 20FPS for the entire game

  • The most infuriating one, all my buttons at the bottom of the screen vanished. So i'm unable to change ammo type, use the arty, the scout plane or anything like that. Even pressing the key wouldnt activate it. if i was lucky, it'd pop back up for a couple of seconds and then vanish again.

WG, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

How can you take something which has run perfectly for at least 2 years and break it to the point of unplayability?


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