Getting back on track – best approach to improving?

I am a returning player.
I have 1500+ account WN8 with 52% winrate, but as of my return, I only manage to get 1300 WN8 and 50% WR, leaving room for a lot of improvement.

Two things I was already able to identify:

  1. Need for patience. Rushing forward does not allow for a great game in most cases, especially as I am still relearning a lot of visible shooting angles on the maps again.
  2. I also find that, while I restarted in heavies (e.g. IS-6), they often lack the mobility once a flank is blocked (e.g. by one of those new italian TD's sitting hulldown).

I am looking for the following input:

  1. What would be a good approach to relearning the game?
  2. Is there a good source of information outside the game that might help (e.g; written guides?)
  3. What is the commenly accepted approach on using bond (equipment?) What equipment should I focus? Should I stick to standard equipment for now?
  4. Are the field modifications worth it? They do appear to cost a ton of exp … Considering I have 10-20 tier 10's and a ton of tier 8's … should I focus on this?


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