Got 2nd place in my very first tier 7 1v1 tournament. Tank meta discussion.

So I decided to tool up my Comet for the tournament, ignoring that it was on Ghost Town. My thinking was that it could outmaneuver and then out-DPM anything the other contestants threw at me.

Went great up until I ran into the only player in my group using the T29, who used his big alpha damage, turret armor, and all around good soft-factors to practically bully me out and away from the center of the map.

I learned the hard way: There's only so much a great tank can do about a disadvantaged situation.
Sure if I had caught the T-29 out in the open I could have run circles around him, but instead he was fully aware of his tank's maneuvering disadvantages and chose to take the middle where he could practically control my movements. A lucky happenstance or two and my tank's a heap of slag who barely brought him to half health.

So here's what I want to talk about. What tier 7's do you guys think would do very well in a 1v1, regardless of their random battle performance? Especially on small maps like Ghost Town.


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