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#Hello fellow commanders! Heres an idea!

Recently i have seen a lot of people that are displeased with the current game balance. And i cant agree more, our game has a lot of problems, arty, op tanks, broken matchmaking, just to name a few as an example. But im not here to discuss that. Im here to give you pleople an idea…

The common thing that i see along the people that are displeased with the game's balance is the fact they miss how the game was before, they often say that the game used to be way more fun in the past…

What if i have an idea for you guys? You guys that are longing for the good old slow strategic gameplay wot had to offer years ago…
Well, i recently found a sweet spot in the match-maker (i know im not the first to do this but some people need to have their eyes opened).
That sweet spot is somewhere around tier 5 and tier 6!

You may ask why tier 5 and tier 6? Well thats because throughout the years, low/mid tier matchmaking and tanks havent noticed such huge "Meta-shifts" like whats happening at high tiers (8,9,10).
Tanks at low to mid tiers oly shift the meta a bit once general game mechanics get changed ( such as the implementation of stun ) hence why you dont see "week-spotless" tanks (like the 279) roll around, armour isnt so prominent at low tiers and hyper big alpha guns and super fast dangerous autoloaders + EBRs arent a common occurrence…

What my proposal is to you guys is that, if you are sick of the game in high tiers, take one of your crews from your high tier vehicles. For example take a crew from the Jg. Pz. E100 and put it onto a stug III g. This is where the actual fun begins, when armour isnt so relevant, you can freely experiment with different equipment builds. I personally made 3 different equipment builds for my ELC BIS until i found out that Turbo+Vents+Binoculars are my favourite choice.
I am more than sure that, if you just slap any equipment onto any tier V tank, you are going to have way more fun than you're having right now grinding trough your tier VIII and IX tanks only to later on get disappointed with a tier X you got …

Take this for an example: stug III g gun handling build (improved aiming unit+vents+improved rotation mechanism and a BiA crew) =0.29 dispersion at tier V and a fast foring gun…
Chaffey passive scouting build (BiA+Camo and Vents+Binoculars+Camonet) = allmost 500m viewrange and 40%+ concealment value…

Now some of you may call this dirty and sealclubbing, but that is no longer a thing since in one of the latest updates wargaming configured the MM to separate newbies from experienced players (how it works: newbies have separate matches where they fight other newbies until they research and fight their first battle in a tier 7 tank). This also means that at low tiers, the gameplay is way more predictable and skill-based since way more experienced players are playing low tiers than they ussed to play before compared to high tiers where you can frequently see 12yo kids with 3000 games (not that i have anything against them) having 3 or 4 tier IX tanks in their garage rolling out with 44% win rate ruining your game because they've never seen the minimap let alone heard of aiming at a lower plate…


Edit: Please dont break the match-maker, we wouldn't want to give wargaming the idea of ruining our little heaven 😀


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