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High tier battles kind of suck

So I've worked my way up to a couple of tier VIII tanks and I've found the lower tier games a lot more enjoyable to play. Once you get to that level, it takes forever to level up tanks so most people seem to spend money on upgrades and premium tanks. If you're frugal like me, it's literally impossible to compete. I just keep bouncing shots off tanks I can't pen until I get blowed up.

But the games themselves are so much more boring. It's like a stalemate of tricked out tanks, particularly on the more campy-style maps. It doesn't seem like there's any room for tactics or strategic gameplay. People either face off in a group and spend 20 minutes inching back and forth behind cover while taking pot-shots at one another, or they find a bush to hide in and just sit and wait.

Maybe I'm alone here, but I'm remembering why I stopped playing this game so many years ago. It's fun to level up tanks and progress through the tech tree, but then you get to a level where the fun just disappears. Maybe they need to introduce different modes or objectives or something to break up the monotony of high tier games.


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