Hot Take: The gold nerf is a welcome change and it won’t “destroy the game” and “ruin bottom tiers”, it will actually make you a better player! Look at Taugrim!

I for the longest time have abstained from gold rounds because I am weird and want to make the game more punishing for some reason. I literally carry 0 gold in my tanks despite not being a free to player. My inspiration has been the youtuber Taugrim, a unicum that carries 0 skill rounds. Amazing I know…

I have found that penetration is not that big of an issue… seriously! I play tier 8 and above on all classes on a regular basis and not having the option of firing gold has made ME a better player. My tactical decision making is improved so is my map and minimap awareness, I can predict fights better and know when to fall back if a fight is lost. Stop pressing that 2 key so much and you will be better.

Even in tanks with awful pen like the Panther M/10 and T-43 or the DPM T-54 to name a few I carry 0 gold and I do great. In most matches there is 1 tank that I can't pen frontally a bunch that are 50/50 and the rest I am good with. When I see that the enemy team has a tank I can't pen frontally I avoid them and craft a better angle. Would having at least 5 gold make me do better? Absofuckinglutely! What I am doing is stupid, but alas it goes to prove a point.

Just FYI my account name is FIREARMER and I play on the EU server.


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