Playerbase still healthy? Why isn’t gwent more popular?

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I've not played a CCG game in ages and my gaming tastes are weirdly seasonal…so I was thinking of getting back into gwent, I played a ton of marvel snap which I enjoyed but I literally lost my account so….Great game.

I also much prefer the witcher universe than marvel or hearthstone, I could never get into hearthstone, it seems ridiculously hard to get any good card setup without paying money and it's based on the world of warcraft universe right? I don't understand why it's so popular, I really wish gwent was in is place, especially considering how much people praise the game, the witcher 3, I just think the nitty gritty reality of monsters, vampires and more is so much more appealing than whatever bright colours I see when I open hearthstone.

Probably Low-key a late night rant but damm gwent is the best card game. I know the devs aren't supporting this game anymore so how is that going, with player balance and everything? Is the meta cool right now? Last thing I remember doing is playing with vampires and aristocrats and having fun doing that.

I've also just seen marvel snap has almost 200k on their subreddit, I can't believe they have more than gwent already, people are really missing out here.


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