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I hate the kranvagn

I’ve been meaning to post something like this for a while, but with its addition to the battle pass it’s become too much of an issue to ignore.

I hate the kranvagn. Is it balanced? Yeah, probably. It’s a great tank but fundamentally the chieftain, 279e, vz are all equally as good if not better. Is it good for the game? Fuck no.

Every time I play against one I get an aneurysm. 12° of gun depression means virtually no position is safe from it, as well as its invincible forward facing turret if the user hides their cupolas well enough. As if that wasn’t enough, that thing has monstrous dpm (2963 base) with a 3-round high alpha damage auto loader which makes it even more awful to play against, especially when one yolos you and there is virtually no counter play.

In my opinion this is a huge fundamental game issue. This kind of dpm should only be given to single-shot tanks, and giving it 20s reload for 3×440 just mitigates the one weakness an auto loader is supposed to have – vulnerability on its reload. This speeds up games and makes it difficult to push even if it has wasted its clip.

It also has the speed of a slow medium which allows it to take key positions and rail you with 3×440 before you can get there in a regular heavy. You can’t counter it with an auto loading medium rush like a BC or progetto because of its high alpha, dpm and clip potential that pretty much outclasses any auto loading medium out there for some reason.

What’s also worth mentioning is that in my opinion not only is it awful to play against, but it’s awful to play with. The heat penetration is 300mm which is unreliable and the gun can be very troll at times. The armour is either invincible hull down (boring gameplay) or extremely vulnerable because of the large weak hull in the open. The turrets effective armour only works against a narrow angle, as soon as people see the side it is easy to penetrate. This makes it awful to play against for whoever it is looking at, and easy to play against for whoever it isn’t.

All these factors, while they form a great performer and a tank that you can justify is not overpowered, just forms the worst player experience facing a tank in the entire game imo.

Let’s compare this player experience to a chieftain – probably one of the most OP tanks (if not the most) in the game. Why? It’s good at everything and is impenetrable hull down. Do I have a headache when I see one? Only mildly. Why? Because I only take one shot and after that I know that I can change positions because fighting him when he’s hull down is a bad strategy. He won’t yolo me because he has no auto loader and his game is a sustained fight, which leaves him vulnerable to auto loading tanks that catch him out of position. Despite this, his base dpm (2622) is ~13% less than the krans (2963). He doesn’t have the floor-reaching vacuum cleaner gun depression (10°) as the kran (12°). Is he still annoying? For sure, but the kravagn is not a reward tank and is imo more difficult to counter if no one helps you (which happens frequently in this game).

To conclude my rant, the kranvagn is one of the worst tanks for player experience in the game. It’s dpm is way too high for a tank with numerous other capabilities. It is worse for the game’s user experience than the chieftain not because it is a better tank (it isn’t), but because it induces more frustration. It is supremely difficult to destroy on your own and not many people (on average) will push one at the right time out of fear of its turret and high dpm autoloader. That is just my very long opinion. Feel free to share yours.


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