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I need some advice…

So… I love playing this game and I know it is my fault that i take the game seriously and I try to bring 120% focus, will and communication… But especially in time periods like this autumn break when it is clearly visible that much more kids playing, the battles are breaking almost my will to play and I'm on the brink of uninstalling the game having 30+ days prem left.. No matter how much damage I do.. It loss after loss. There are always 4-5 with sub200 dmg even on tier 8-9 and not even mentioning that whenever I go with tier 8, I end up – no joke – in tier10 battles every single time… but whenever I play tier10 then no tier 8s in those battles. No map awareness at "team" mates, leaving complete flanks totally empty or having 10 tanks on a flank still not pushing … This is going on for 5-6 days now and I'm on verge of breaking… Help me some how please… What am I doing wrong? Am I the idiot for caring about winning and caring about the outcome and giving shit about keeping my 52+% wr?


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