In-game feature that would be useful: highlight your planned progression.

TL:DR – Way to highlight tech tree progression you would like to take in the future.

As a casual player who occasionally takes long breaks it will be quite nice if there was a way in game for players to plan and highlight the progression and trees they like to take. I tried doing it both on paper for short-term, and in a Microsoft notes file but neither are particularly great. Paper of course gets lost, and I have changed computers several times over my years playing (and not playing).

This wouldn't change any battle mechanic or need a rebalancing. It is a simple little programming thing they could add pretty quickly. Many players probably won't use it but it would be a great help to some. I have several tanks in my garage that I don't know if I was planning on climbing a tech tree with them, if they're just sitting there because I have extra slots. I also have a few tanks that aren't fully upgraded but I'm not sure if that was on purpose or I just didn't like them.


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