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In which frustrations boil over

Beep Boop. Hello fellow humans. The weather is crayon today. This unit desires that you are blessed by RNG that is seeded positively for you. Also, did I mention I am totally human, and not a bot? Beep Boop.

Comedy introductions aside, I like to think that over the years, I have presented myself to the the Reddit Community, as well as to WG during my time as Community Coordinator, as someone who is positive, tries to contribute to enhance enjoyment of the game for all, and is someone you can trust will have your back if something happens and you need it made right. I honestly and truly love and enjoy this game – warts, pimples, and buttcracks included. I want others to feel this same kind of joy and happiness when they load up into World of Tanks, the same as I do.

I try to go above and beyond to set a good example for others. I want new players, current players, past players, and future players to feel welcomed and want to stay and play the game, so that I will have folks to play with/against in game. I know I may be in the minority (or it feels like it at times), but after 11 years and 45k battles, I still love and enjoy this game as much today, as the first day I was introduced to it by family who were playing this 'awesome new tank combat game'.

Thus comes the problem. I'm not always nice. I'm not always positive. I catch myself getting tilted on losing streaks and taking it out on teammates in team chat. I say nasty things. I become a total hypocrite and blame others instead of myself for losses. I lose my head and forget that losing streaks happen to everyone, just like winning streaks do. I claim to try my best to be a good influence, but I confess to being an abject failure at it.

Problem is, that isn't the only place I fail.

I try to find the positive in everything and everyone. It is just who I am and always have been. For example, I like to find and play 'terrible tanks' because I want to find a way to make them fun. But I can't always do that, despite my best efforts. I get so angry at times playing this game even though I'm trying to enjoy it. Some of these tanks I've ground through while getting Senior Technical Engineer are putrid and WG should be ashamed of them being in the game in the state they are.

I don't think I could tell you how often I actually yelled at my computer screen grinding through the AMX 65T (pre "buff"), for example. All it needed was a mobility buff to make up for the lack of armor, or an armor buff to make up for the lack of mobility. Either would have made it decent. Yet it had neither. Which drove me insanely angry. I lost count at how many times I would get frustrated and want to just slam my hands into my keyboard or punch my screen because of it. It isn't the only tank like this, but definitely one of the worst offenders.

I also hate some of the things WG does as well, and it makes me even madder, because I love the game so much, that them making a 'bad decision' (at least what I think is one) just hits the gut harder. Yes, even I find faults with WG.

Terrible event management/planning. Horrific communications or miscommunications that cause rumors to go rampant and become 'the truth' even if it isn't. Employees saying one thing one day (and for all we know, what the employee said was true at that moment, because they hadn't been informed different), but the next day, something else proves otherwise and it again, causes an uproar in the community. The public interaction side of WG gives an honest effort most of the time. But there are times where they do/say/act in truly WTF fashions, and it infuriates me.

Tech trees in the game languishing for years without updates/improvements. Tanks being over-tuned with buffs and overnight making new metas. How about mega buffs completely changing how you approach MM (tier 8 since about December 9th, anyone?). Tanks being heavily nerfed out of nowhere for no good reasons (Looking at you, Chinese Rocket-Surgery Heavies) causing anticipation for the next new shiny thing to wane. This is especially true as I recently earned Senior Technical Engineer. I have researched every tank in the game. I look forward to new tanks/branches, and to have those tanks nerfed so hard before I even get to see them? It feels like a slap in the face.

While I personally don't care about the the upcoming Terminator 2 event and won't be participating other than to get some free camo, I see how it angers people. WG 'let the cat out of the bag' with allowing F2P players to grind premium vehicles through missions, marathons, and other similar events. Heck, I have earned probably 35 premiums of various tiers myself through grinding out events, over the years.

Then, for WG to suddenly change that philosophy up out of nowhere? That would be frustrating to me – F2P or not – if wanted to earn it for free like I could during prior events. For all we know, and I've seen someone ponder this on here in another thread, there might be a contractual reason/obligation for them to do the event this way. However, that goes back to my prior statements above about me getting mad about communications and WG's tendency to FUBAR those. It may not fix the frustrations from F2P players, but some sort of communication/reasoning from WG as to why would probably go a long way to settling anger with them.

So, here I am. Trying to be positive. Trying to always be a good example to the community and players. But I'm failing at it. I just wanted you all to know that yes, even your local resident 'WG Shill' knows where you are coming from. I just hate being negative and would rather be positive.

Hope to see some of you out on the battlefield on the NA server, and if I happen to lose my cool on you – tell me to chill.


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