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Is it just me or is wot slowly dying?

Im not sure but World of tanks is slowly dying in my opinion and here is why:
I mean its completly normal that every game must doing some changes to survive in the gaming scene but some changes getting worse and worse in world of tanks. In world of tanks is getting higher better greater and thats killing everything we have the chief meta since 2019 and wg doing nothing to change things and the game gets boring. In the first Quartal of this year we had more sellout events with paywalls in a single year of all time. (includes the saint patricks day event) Some lowtier tanks are to strong and this is why new player quitting the game very fast and tech tree grinding is disguisting i can compare it with my friends that quit the game very fast of the op lowtier tanks for example what tanks im speaking is the LefH and Panzer V/IV. The next thing is Tier 8 is dead because Tier 8 have tanks that to strong for example is the upcoming type 5 kari, Bz-176, and the shptk with one Tier 10 thing on it. The kari have more Pen than the Amx M4, the Bz have a 800 hesh gun with 230 pen that Pen every simple weakspot easy and the shptk have 330 heat with very high dpm. And for the Future are coming more wheeled vehicle but idk wheres the game staying in the future but i hope you can understand my opinion because my english is bad i tryed my best and i want to share my opinion.


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