is WoT absolutely broken today?

5 games played

2 games i had to leave and use the Task Manager to fucking force close the game as it just froze with a constant engine sounds, NEVER EVER happened before in over 10 years and nearly 10K games.

3 of the game spent over 1 minute, realisticly closer to 2 mins, on just the ''exiting battle'' loading screen.

The 2 times i had to restart i had to wait over 2-3 mins just to get into the game because it crashes on launch and spent 2-3 mins to fix it instead of the usual 5-10 seconds.

Every single loading screen in the garage takes way longer than usual. Like, WoT is a pretty badly made game with crazy loading times for no reason but its like its turned up to 1000 today and as is now its not playable.

Also no, its not my PC, every other game runs completely fine. I swear, its literally just World of Tanks that ran fine literally 12 hours ago.

Anyone else?


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