How to SCAV into LABS (Avoid Hackers)

Posting this because someone recently asked me how I do this in a post and thought i'd let everyone else know.

Firstly you may ask why you would want to do this, well for one simple reason.. hackers. As you all know already Labs is unplayable right now with the amount of speedrunning triggerbot hackers and its pretty much a death sentence to queue for it. This method allows you to spawn into Labs late and hopefully avoid the hackers. The reason why this works is because most hackers leave within the first 20mins of Labs after just collecting everything, this allows you to pickup scraps and farm some raiders.

Anyways the tutorial now, its pretty simple queue for Labs and wait till you see preparing game, as soon as you see this alt f4 and set a timer for about 22 minutes, when times up reconnect and you'll finally spawn in and have a much better chance at actually having a chance to play labs.

Obviously this isn't the best since LedX and most high valuable items will be gone but you wont really have a chance anyway so you might as well spawn late and farm up. You can easily make 1M+ roubles from this and in my opinion its the only way to play Labs in my server as of now. Good luck!


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