Is WOT toxic?

I never played WOT until they announced it free on Xbox live quite a few years ago, I played religiously for months, and was quite fond of the game. Have had tons of extremely boring games and tons of very exciting heart pumping games, I believe I ended around a tier 8 on my Xbox. And then just stopped playing for whatever reason…

Not that long ago I got a new pc and was looking for free games to install and came across WOT, and of course remembering the nostalgia I downloaded it excitedly to play. I’m not great at the game, admittedly, but I’m not terrible. I can for sure say I don’t recognize many of the nuances of the game that I’m sure many seasoned players understand and utilize.

I try to be a good team mate no matter the class I play but the last few games the last few weeks it just seems like I’m getting the most toxic shit talking people on my team. People who literally berate me with private messages telling me to delete the game, I shouldn’t have that, I shouldn’t be here, you get it. Again, I’m not claiming to be great, but feel like this type of toxic treatment from team mates really turns off people from wanting to get better. I just wish more people would offer valid criticism instead of toxic bereavement. I have fun playing the game, I really do try and help, but can’t seem to find a community or group that doesn’t look down on underskilled players who want to get better.



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