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Let’s talk about the t6 medium

Title says it. Played a couple games on the CT and from what I can see the T6 Medium is completely broken when facing tier IIIs and also directly counters the whole point of the HP rework, which was for people not to die so fast.

For the average tier III the armor is pretty much impenetrable, unless you get a flat on shot at the sides from close enough distance. At which point you are forced to plink away at it with your pea shooter, while The T6 just has to turn it's turret and oneshot you.

The long reload does not do enough to balance this, because as soon as the T6 angles even slightly you are out of options.

I thought the update was to make low tier battles more fun, especially to newer players, by increasing survival time. Adding basically a tier 5 tank at tier 4 which can oneshot most ttier IIIs with little fear of retalliation does not fit that idea at all. In all games I've played atleast one T6 in each team easily broke 2k dmg and dominated the field.

Just remove the 105, that's all I'm asking. The Matilda is armored to high heavens too, but atleast it doesn't just onetap you. And it's slow.

edit: capitalization for clarity


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