I've been playing WoT on and off since closed beta, I've got back into it over the past couple weeks and I'm getting bored of running my tier 10's and tier 8 prems. I haven't really kept up with the meta or new tanks. I'm looking for a fun line to grind to tier 10, ideally with a fun/good tank at tier 10. I don't play CW or anything competitive like that due to my timezone, so this would purely be for Random Battles.
Tier 10's I have already are: Jagdpanzer E100 (My all time favorite), E100, Maus, E50M, Leopard 1, Rheinmetall Pzw, IS-7, IS-4, Batchat 25t, Type 5 Heavy, Kranvagn, T62A, Object 140, Object 430U and the Object 261 (Sorry, its for missions, I promise).
I was thinking of the T57 or the Rinoceronte, or maybe the 60TP.
Thankyou for the input, have a great day and/or night.