I’d like to post an idea.
I used to love playing this game because of the shenanigans we had in team training, most notably the climbing and flying glitches the community used to discover however they’ve since been fixed in favour of having random battles run smoothly.
My suggestion: bring a handful (or more of map versions from (2015?) back into the selector for team training. Make them separate from the modern up to date versions too. Keep the old textures to make them nostalgic (similarly to what we were given with the T-50-2). Give them a variation of their original names & add some subtle Easter eggs. Considering the old textures, I’m imagining they won’t add much size to the game.
Secondly, bring back huge damage artillery guns purely to team training. The same way they used to be back in the day. Perhaps add a damage multiplier option for artillery in the battle settings.
This would be huge and would certainly drive old players back, along with inspiring new ones to join the fun.
Everyone who I’ve spoken to in game think these are amazing ideas.
Please return some of these iconic elements to the game!
Thank you
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/18esv12/message_for_wargaming/