Missing Last Year’s Battle Pass Story?

Last year's series of Battle Passes had an underlying story attached to them.

The story followed a series of crews who were investigating the Antarctic and in Argentina, trying to find war criminals who were in hiding after the war.

They find weird things like empty Uranium mines, Flying wing aircraft, hallucinatory gas, UFO's, and the like. The last battle pass (6 or VI) …

Battle Pass: Season VI (worldoftanks.com)

It explains the story up to that point and is sending this platoon to scout out the Antarctic area for the enemy. The Battle Pass overall linked into the Waffen Trager event story and a little into the Halloween Mirny event as well.

But now this years Battle pass just seems to be 3 random tanks facing a random "enemy" in a random wrecked city (Ruinberg)… With the "enemy" being just… Random other tier 10 tanks (like cheiftans, Is-7s, STB-1's etc). (who also can't aim worth a damn… it's an E4 not and E3… she's not that thickly armored…)

Battle Pass: Season VII

Where did the cool story go? No answers to what is hiding in the perpetual fog in Antarctica? No answers what happened to the Waffen Trager or Mirny? Just random "The enemy"…


Are there videos with the ending of the previous years story around I'm missing?
all the stuff in the new battlepass is great and all but… I enjoyed the story too…

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/t1ofmz/missing_last_years_battle_pass_story/

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