My T-34-1 Three Mark Experience

3MOE Battle

These were the most memorable aspects for me;

  • Usable turret but weak 5 degrees of gun depression
  • Good combination of alpha, reload and pen
  • Poor gun handling
  • Exposed frontal fuel tanks
  • Amazing camouflages values

Being one of the first tanks to fit the "Russian Medium" layout, it's a surprisingly competitive medium for tier 7 – With the only serious downside being the poor gun handling causing frustration.

Pink Ventilation | Pink Gun Rammer | Pink Aiming + Steady Hand

Main Build: The biggest issue by far is the poor gun handling – The aim time is weak, the dispersion penalties are bad and without Pink aiming the final accuracy is only decent. In order to engage most targets we need to stop and fully aim, snap shots here-and-there might connect, but when bounding from position to position our gun bloom is the size of our screen. With a 7s reload we can risk a hail mary shot here and there, but it really is a one in a million shot most of the time. Even partially aimed shots have a tendency not to hit

One sacrifice is giving up max view range to enhance our direct combat potential. This is a bit of a gamble, especially considering we'll be pretty close to the bleeding edge of an advance or sitting hulldown right at the frontline. Our incredible stationary camo can mitigate this a little bit with clever play, but is no substitute for raw view range.

Pink Ventilation | Pink Gun Rammer | Pink Optics + Steady Hand

Optics Build: Running optics is only really relevant for specific maps like Prokhorovka or Province, game modes like Karelia assault or incredibly specific situations where neither team has light tanks.

Ensk and Airfield

Ensk: The fight along the 1/2/3 can be incredibly inconsistent for the T-34-1, while we have the relative speed to dive in and get to crossfire positions on the corner the fight is entirely on level ground with no terrain to take advantage of. If we want to confront heavies, Berlin is significantly better for that, with more than a few terrain features we can exploit.

Airfield: While we have the speed to make it to the cubbies, the HP pools of enemies are generally not easily accessible and makes for slow drawn out games that have teams running through funnels in front of tank destroyers and SPGs to make any kind of play.

Field Modification Choices – R, R, R

  1. Light Alloy Mounting Points – The improved traverse is nice but the front rack is exposed
  2. Improved Sight – Absolutely worth it for improved final accuracy
  3. Anti-Reflective Headlights Coating – I'm not super keen on giving up reverse speed, but the improved camo gets us up to almost 42%~ stationary concealment

![img](78ws40mjcnj81 "3MOE Session Stats, WoT 1.15

Good luck, and good hunting fellow markers.


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