Onslaught has been completely ruined by the players who play it

Onslaught would be cool if the games were close and teams tried to communicate tactics and follow the meta, or even just turned on voice chat. Some of this was going on for the first few days, but even at the highest ranks it's already devolved into random battles but more infuriating.

I've played around 650 games of onslaught total so far.

In the past two days I have dropped from 1460 elo down to 800. I am trying as hard as I physically can to win games and my personal performance is better now than it was all the way up to 1460 in the first place.

But every single time I join a game, me or another player types up a strat that we know is effective. And then 2-6 players on the team completely ignore me/us, do their own thing, die alone, and we lose. Every. Single. Loss. I can count on one hand the number of times the entire team has communicated and still lost.

I don't understand why people even bother to play this gamemode with their fucking chat turned off, let alone how they are able reach gold/champion ranks. It's completely unplayable when there is no communication, yet most of this game's community chooses to completely ignore their teammates every single match. Since day 2 my team has not turned on voice chat a single time (and that's in over 600 matches!!)

I don't think it's WGs fault that the gamemode is so frustrating (although it could honestly do without the gimmicky abilities and ability cap points), because they gave the community all the tools they could to be able to communicate properly, but the community refuses to use any of them.

I personally hated that you could be rewarded for losing in the old ranked gamemode, but now I desperately want it back. The downside that skilled players will go back to tryharding for damage instead of tryharding for the win, is heavily outweighed by the fact that you can still progress forward without having all your elo stripped away just because you are teamed with mute shitters 73 matches in a row.

I'm completely at a loss about what to do now since it seems physically impossible to even break even on wins while solo queueing after the quality of teammates has devolved so badly. My entire clan has already abandoned the gamemode but I want the gold badge so badly!!!

What has your experience with the gamemode been in the last few days?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/yctqup/onslaught_has_been_completely_ruined_by_the/

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