Players will have to comeback to the game after the update if they don’t want all their crews stuck with wrong crew skills.

Active player count might peaks for a few months after the update just because of that. And WG will be like “LOOK! People are coming back for the update. Playerbase actually enjoys our update. All the more reason why we should not listen to the noisy minority called the community.”

They’ve recently done a similar reasoning with the Progetto nerf as well. First, they featured Progetto in Battle Pass and include Progetto in Top Of The Tree. Then, conclude, “Players have been playing Progetto a little too much. We have to nerf it.” They’ll always try to give shitty reasons to cover up their irrational or should I say incompetent decisions.

How could this crew change be done differently without pressuring players to comeback and do the homework?

Give one-time reset for each and every crew member(you can reset each crew once for free) after the one month free reset period. That way, a player can freely decide when, how many and which of his crews should be resetted. Plus, he can experiment it freely in one month.

The base line is to make sure that players don’t suffer any penalty from the change. One-time reset for each and every crew is enough to cover that. One months free reset should be the extra and it’s nice. But one months free reset alone is a strategic move to force people to comeback or login to the game.

There could be technical difficulties to do exactly that but at least resetting every crew of inactive players(inactive since the update) at the end of 2023 should be easy enough.


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