That's what i do everytime i sense it's rigged.
There's no point in playing a rigged game,it's a waste of time and you make yourself look like a monkey.
There is no such thing as random in this game,everything is according to wg's design.
Even wg themselves state that the mm is not random,they will place you on a winning/losing team according to your last results.
If you lost a lot of games then they will put you on a strong team,if you won a lot of games they will place you on a weak team.
Exception to this are the house streamers who need to make wg's product look good,appealing to the potential customers.
Thereby they get special mm,the overwhelming majority of time getting strong teams to showcase how ''great'' the game is to the naive audience.
It's easy to make the game look great when you play against a bunch of mentally challenged opponents.