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Recon vs Situational Awareness Difference??

I might be stupid but I think I may have finally found the difference between the two skills after 22k+ games.

Situational Awareness “extends view range,” so it actually increases your spotting distance.

Recon says “increases max view range.” I might be reading into too much here but the other day, I noticed how the wording was different and it made me think – I’ve always heard that 445m is the cap for maximum VR so I’ve always wondered why people like QB stress how important it is to just get as much VR as possible. Why keep pumping it up past 445m if 445m is only as far as it goes? Well, what if Recon actually increases that cap? It would explain why it says it “increases maximum view range” – it doesn’t extend your actual spotting distance, it extends the capped distance at which you can spot people.

Again, I might be totally wrong about that and I have no proof for my claim other than trying to understand the wording of the descriptions of the two skills, but I thought it was worth posting here for discussion.


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