Remove “Brother in Arms” from the game.

basically, title. now that we are getting new skills and some old skills becoming useful, there is absolutely no need for it. it's a skill basically everyone has in all their tank crews which add 0 variety to the game (one of the reasons WG mentioned in patch news for new skills, or should i say excuse) and it's also the most boring perk. everyone gets it cause everyone should get it. not that it's suitable for a specific tank/role. every single tank, regardless of what they do, has it.

and at least it would help a little bit with the tanks becoming super tanks with 6-7 skill crews. it would also help with f2p folk with 3-4 skill crews. they can get one more useful skill and would reduce the gap with 6 skill crews of others.

it makes just as much sense as removing 6th sense and making it default skill of commanders. i know this is far from the ideal solution for players, but wg will never do the ideal thing for players. at least this should be acceptable even by their standards.


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