Since we had the Under the Hammer auctions, do you think we’ll be getting the Black Market as well?

So, the title pretty much sums up the post, since we got the Under the Hammer auction, do you think we'll get the Black Market as well?

Personally, I don't think we will this year and I think this is what WG is going to do moving forward than doing both UtH and the Black Market. Reason being, is they have no reason to do the Black Market anymore as people have shown that they're willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money to bid on exclusive premiums rather than tanks that were previously available and no longer are. I honestly see more events like this moving forward and it'll be a way for WG to squeeze more money and game time out of players, particularly those who are (relatively) just starting out who will feel the need to either hoard gold or grind as much Free XP as possible to try to get the next super tank in the next auction.

Those are my thoughts at least, though with tanks such as the Obj. 268 v5, I have my own opinions on regarding bidding rather than a Tech Tree FXP tank, but that's probably best left for another post.


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