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skoda t56 isnt op, and needs buffs

Wiem, żeI know what I'm going to say now may be controversial, but after talking to players who play this tank we were almost unanimous.

Don't say that scoda is OP and needs a nerf, if you say so you probably never played it.

920 dmg in 2.5s is a very good result, but it does not compensate the disadvantages.

  1. the cannon is very blind, it is one of the least accurate cannons in the roost.

  2. penetration on the primary projectile is a tragedy. 208 Penetration at level 8? If the cannon was also accurate I would be able to hit weak points.

  3. geld penetration is average.

4 It is impossible to play without full gold.

5.The turret on the sides of the yoke is 210m, most tanks even without gold can penetrate it.

  1. Speed is very low.

7.Poor turret and hull rotation

Weak bottom plate and large commander hatch.

9.After every side shot amorack falls.

10.The front is punctured by all the 9 tier and 8 tier on the geld, even the upper plate.

As you can see every stat except dmg is weak and could use a little buffs


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