Oh my god.

I am just saying, a friend got this for me for my birthday. I just tried it out and the tutorial does not even really prepare you for the game.

1- 100 credit bounty for accidentally pulling out and firing my weapons outside of a station.

2- got stuck in a star's orbit and there was no way to get out of it. Spent 30 minutes trying to find it, then I miraculously find an escape angle.

3- 200 credit bounty for trying to find my dock in a station. Not finding it. "Loitering"

4- Ship blown up because I couldn' land it in my bay. I kept trying to and slamming it in the ground in the process. Turrets start firing at me and I go up in smoke.

Like, I get it. Realistic space flight Sim. But at least show me how to activate an auto-dock if you are going to use it.

Especially a new player.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/t36qom/oh_my_god/

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