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So how do you get the ‘Destroy internal modules or injure crew members’ missions done now?

I've tried literally every single method and concluded that it's 99% impossible after the HE and arty nerf.

A 5 / 6k damage game nets me on average 2 of them.

Tried the tier 9 british arty with small gun and damage HE rounds. 3k damage game, shot a leopards ass, 3 crits a round. Managed to get to 10 crits in 4 games but was also lucky to get long games and open maps. Nice nice. Next two maps were ensk and ghost town where everyone camped city. No crits. Reset.

Tried going HE only with fast firing tanks such as the patriot. Got rightfully called an HE noob and averaged 1 – 2 crits per game out of over 20 HE hits.

Get these overly RNG dependant missions out of the game and replace them with missions that actually take skill to complete. I'd rather attempt a 50k damage over 10 games instead of this garbage lottery. I hate the fact that I have to be LESS efficient for my team to even have a SLIGHT chance of completing them.

Wargaming, save people some brain cells and replace these missions. Lowering the challenge to 25 over 10 games doesn't help the slightest when you nerfed HE by 300% and everyone's running around with field mods netting them extra module and crew durability.

Just to clarify, I like the arty changes and I'm neutral on the HE nerf, but the missions need to be replaced. Alliance 4 is childs play compared to this one.



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