State Of The Game?

I'm honestly curious what other players think of the game, in 2022?

I've been playing since 2011. And only just recently started to realize how much more rewarding this game is, when you honestly try to learn from your mistakes, and stop blaming your team for losses (as if you aren't a part of them in the first place).

Sure, I definitely don't like Wargaming not listening to the player base, noticeable imbalance at tier 10 / imbalance with certain tanks, map imbalance, and some of the insufferable player base in general.

But overall — the times that I get "angry" at the game are 90% because of poor decisions which I made, and only 10% of Chieftains/279E's/arty/map imbalance.

Otherwise. The game is still very rewarding, plenty of very accommodating / friendly player base, still the only PvP, arcade-like, skill-based tank shooter that's on the market.

What do y'all think?


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