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This game mod is totaly unbalanced.

After a bit of grid, i'm sure this gamemod is done only for noobs, noob tankes can farm turrets and die, and noob commanders can use tier X fun tanks and just have to sit a look how the IA turrers and tanks milk all enemy team.

the 1 vs 1 all times end in a draw for me, i'm unable to push the last 2 enemy tanks, normaly a jagerpizza and a E3.

This game mode (1vs1) should be on encounter battle (only one cap in the liddle of the map). This will prevent the perma camping strategy.

The 7vs1 is also unbalaced, its like 7vs 7+7 IA turrets
If the commander know a bit of the game mechanics, the victory comes alone. OP turrets, Only gold on his tanks… Also tankes can run out of ammo easy.

This game mode should be atack/defence, maybe 8vs1 if commander is defending with 7tanks plus turrets, and 7vs1 if commander have to atack.

I think this game mode have potecial, but now is just broken.


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