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Tier 10 LT Changes to Make Tracked LTs Relevant

I made these comments in a previous thread, but it's really a separate topic, because it's more about making tracked LTs relevant than it is about nerfing wheeled LTs.

Tier 10 tracked LTs always were weak, in fact they've undergone multiple rounds of (very tiny) buffs since introduction. The EBR 105 just shows how pathetic all the other tier 10 LTs are stats for comparison.

  • All LTs tier 6+: Gain enhanced auto-aim
  • All tier 10 tracked LTs: Reduce penetration drop-off penalty with distance
  • EBR 105: Increase aim-time to 1.6, increase turret bloom to .05, reduce standard shell velocity to 1100
  • T-100 LT: Reduce dispersion to .42, increase premium pen to 258
  • AMX 13 105: Increase shell velocity to 1100, reduce aim-time to 2.1
  • Sheridan: Increase health to 1700, decrease dispersion to .37
  • WZ-132-1: Increase alpha to 420 (same RoF), increase standard pen to 250
  • Manticore: Increase alpha to 400, increase standard pen to 252, increase standard shell velocity to 1250, increase premium pen to 270
  • Rhm Pzw: Increase Rate of Fire to 7.81, Increase standard pen to 250, reduce dispersion to .34, decrease turret bloom to .08, increase ammo capacity to 40, increase health to 1650

Now each tracked LT has a distinct role:

  • EBR 105: Aggressive active-scout
  • T-100 LT: Passive scout & harasser
  • AMX 13 105: Passive scout & assassin
  • Sheridan: Light-medium, DPM style
  • WZ-132-1: Light-medium, out-trading style
  • Manticore: Passive scout & sniper
  • Rhm Pzw: Counter-spotter & fire support

Some changes are pretty minor (T-100, AMX, Sheridan) while others really define a role (WZ regains alpha king, Manticore more of the advertised shooting threat, Rhm becomes a long-distance menace).

If it's OK for the EBR to have some a game-changing impact, then certainly it must be acceptable for tracked LTs to have a real impact on their matches too, rather than being spotter-bots and anemic mediums.


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