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WG likes to send out those in-game surveys every once in a while…

But the questions are anodyne dog shit that don't leave any room for expressing anything other than bland, non-specific approval/disapproval.

The recent Patch 1.20 finalization and resulting threads have me wondering how many people (at least on this forum, which is only a small subset of the player base) actually like/trust/are encouraged by WG and their decisions.

Unfortunately I can't make a multi-question survey on reddit, because for the several questions I would be interested in seeing your responses for, there are many possible cross-tabs and the poll only allows 6 answer options

The 4 options in the poll below are simply to encapsulate the range of what all the cross tabs would be, but please add more commentary if you are a mix of opinions that is not listed.

Edit: If you choose option 2 or 3, would be good if you can add what your mix of opinions is in a comment

Here are the prompts in detail that I'd like to hear opinions on:

  • I (am/am not) happy with Wot in its current state.
  • I actively (recommend/do not recommend) WoT to friends, and (encourage/discourage) them to join and play
  • Recent (last 12 months) and forthcoming announced changes to WoT are generally taking the game in the (right direction/wrong direction)
  • I (trust/don't trust) Wargaming to make decisions that are in the best interest of the entire player base, all things considered, and think they (have/have not) done so to the best of their ability
  • I am a current paying player: the current state of the game and the announced forthcoming changes are (sufficient/insufficient) for me to continue paying.
  • I am not a current paying player: the current state of the game and the announced forthcoming changes are (sufficient/insufficient) to induce me to pay.

Poll will be up for 3 days. I will read all responses, put into excel and make a picture or graph or something of what the cross-tabs would be if reddit weren't shit at allowing for detailed survey construction.

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