What the hell is wrong with French guns? Why do fully aimed shots dive into the dirt so much?!

Seriously, I'm losing my fucking mind over here.

I'm trying to play my Revalorise, trying to "get good" in it despite hating every waking minute I spent with it.

The tank is shit, it's slow, it has no camo, no flexibility and a stupidly outdated gun, with shit pen and good for nothing APCR.

And yes I mean that, the way normalization works there's literally no worse combo in this game than APCR and bad pen. Anything that isn't a clean flat surface sends the shell flying into the moon.

But fuck me, even if I can adapt to all these weaknesses (which I honestly believe I can), I CANNOT adapt to half of my fully aimed shots (with server reticle on!) simply diving into the ground.


Saltiness aside, in a tank with such low DPM this is absolutely lethal, it kills the tank and it often kills you in engagements.

I noticed this happening a ton in my M4 49 as well, oddly enough, despite the completely different gun.

Now, of course this is all anecdotal, but fairness and reasonability aside: what the fuck do the devs have against the French?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/f4u1mu/what_the_hell_is_wrong_with_french_guns_why_do/

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