New cards have nailed the coffin

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

Been playing gwent for almost 3 years. There's always been stronger decks that made me want to take a break from gwent, but never quit it for good. I'm thinking about 2020 Kolgrim, drill, alumni, and of course, pre nerf aerondight and Renfri. I immediately forfeit against mobilization. It's so frustrating to play against reavers.

Year of cursed toad card drops have been the worse for the game's balance, limiting the meta to the same recurring cards game after game. I rarely see originality anymore.

I still enjoyed playing gwent with non-meta decks (devo vampires, wild hunt, siege, dwarves, foresworn, nature's gift), but with the new cards it's just impossible to win without playing the same mechanics as everyone else.

Even at 13+ provisions, no cards should play for above 20 points without more setup. Just have a bronze warrior in graveyard and boom, Try plays for 25 points on deploy. Highland warlord makes the deck even more powerful. Svalblod sees less play because it needs to stick to the board to really obliterate the opponent's strategy.

Never liked playing Yrden, but with its recent nerf, NR knights can greed with no worries. They can even get 3 more golds with temple. By the way, who thought temple should only be 12p with Melitele being the worst card of the expansion at 14p? Makes no sense.

I waited a long time to see harmony leader finally strong. Maybe that's why I don't mind the new cards being so broken. At least they're not as braindead as other factions'. Still way too strong imo.

Saint Gregory is OP but it's the only real control foresworn can use without breaking devotion. Needs setup to truly benefit from the deploy. Most balanced card of the patch I think.

Haven't played Lilith's Omen but it's synergy with Koshchey and Kiki queen has immense potential if not answered. Dagon wins you the game if it survives . More conditional than the rest, but still completely insane.

Haven't touched the new NG cards, but the location seems overpriced. Not convinced Torres is as broken as ST and SK new cards, but it only makes the most toxic faction of the game even worse.

I'll finish the Christmas event and collect my daily rewards; otherwise I'll wait for next patch. Unfortunately, I don't see any emphasis on balance in the future, as I am truly convinced it is now too late to save Gwent from the powercreep madness that has been plaguing it since Price of power.

I hope the devs prove me wrong…


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