Why do people get on my case when I say I can’t join the clan’s stronghold or clan war activities.

I just want some mates I can talk with or joke on coms while we grind, maybe platoon up and help eachother etc.

I've only got an hour or so after everyone is asleep and not everyday.

I just want to pop my booster and grind a few battles till I'm tired.

No, I do not want to grind for that meta tier 10 the clan needs.
No, I do not want to be on coms whenever I'm in the game, sometimes I need to be super quite.
I'm sorry your 9 man team needs one more guy just as I joined the game.
No I don't consider clan wars "the real experience" I actually enjoy random battles, thank you.
No I do not want that reward tank or gold or whatever else comes from clan wars.
I'm happy to contribute to the clan resource pool by completing objectives etc.
No I don't expect the clan to pop a booster everyday or all the time if we can't afford one, but I am grateful and happy when it's active while I play.

Sorry for the long post but I had to vent…

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/znqdi1/why_do_people_get_on_my_case_when_i_say_i_cant/

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