A once good game has become nothing but a pure money grab from the Russian infamous game company War Gaming.net.
For years now players have been asking, begging, pleading for a change in two aspects of the game.
One is to change the quality of match making (MM) and the other is new open maps.
We will be looking at the BAD REALLY BAD MM found only in the world of tanks.
The game is not based on the class of the Tank or Artillery, according to War Gaming (WG) it is based on type of tank and tank weight.
None of the needed parts to the MM are in favor of having even team set ups from the start.
MM does not take into account the many added on mods that are given in the game andĀ out of the game.
First let's take a new player that has just bought his first tier 8 primum tank (25$-100$).
He is proud of this new tank going to do great things for his team, He is going to lead them to victory.
He is going to bring the teams standard to the enemies' base and take home the winning feeling of being a part of a great team.
The clock counts down to zero.
He pushes the forward button he moves out of his base rolls through some open field into bushes for cover.
He starts to see red dots on the map.
He starts to formulate a plan to bring his team to victory.
He sees a small light tank sitting in the open.
He zooms in to take a shot.
He shots.
His round is going down range.
Not more than two seconds after he pulls the trigger to send this deadly cargo down range.
He is pummeled by no less than four rounds.
Not knowing that he has been spotted by not only the light tank sitting in the bush he was also spotted by three tank destroyers that the light was spotting for.
Now let's take a closer look at why this has happened.
Number one is new tank, new player.
This means that the tank is at its bare minimum, may have what you can buy in the garage,
Shell rammer, coated optics, gun laying drive, primum camouflage all things you need to have for a good fight.
Crew at 100% working on their first set of skills (skills given to crews to help with things a monkey with a wrench would know after the first fight but takes your Human crew months in not years to learn).
Now let's look at the enemy team.
The light player has been playing for four- five years now, His light is set up for one thing and one thing only.
Spotting, this means he has the basic in-game set up.
Binoculars, coated optics, camo net.
But this is not all.
His crew is working on their seventh set of skills.
So, from the start they can see further then the new player.
They can do what can only be found in world of tanks, he has the cloaking device found only on a klingon bird of prey, this means as he is moving, he goes invisible and then then on top of that he teleports to a new bush 30 meters away from where he was last seen.
If he shoots at all his deadly cargo will hit every time right where he is pointing.
This is another crew skill it brings the random number generator (RNG or as long-time players call it Rigged Number Generator) to a much lower chance of missing.
But this is not all, as long as he does not move, he will not be spotted as long as he moves in slow increments.
Now as for the tank destroyers (TD),
All three are in what is called a platoon so they have played together for years.
So not only are they set to kill with the TDs they brought they have been doing it for years and are working with a crew that is working on their 9 set of skills.
They not only see every tank within their 560-meter view rang but every tank the scout (Light tank) has spotted also.
So, at the end of the game that you lasted less than 2 minutes in.
You see that your team had one player over a 50% stat win rate (WR).
And this player was in artillery.
As you look at the other team you see not only the Scout and TDs are over 53%-win rate (WR), but they had four other players over 50% WR.
So, from the start the match was rigged in favor of the enemy.
Since WG does not take personal player statsĀ into account at the start of a match the game is rigged for one team and one team only.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/f5v1oo/why_new_players_leave/