Why so many people are ashamed of winning by capping?

"No cap, kill all"

That literally became a meme in the community.

Sure, I get it. We are winning 13:5 and two potatoes are capping.

"Dudes, please don't cap. We've got this. Please don't cap."

But most of the time, it's the other way around. We're losing 13:5.

"Guys, you either fast cap or we gonna get raped."

And suddenly everyone is like:

"Naaaah, I'm going to make a carry in my half HP Tiger II against full HP Chieftain."

I won't even mention that sometimes you just have to cap "to lure them out".

It's like planting a bomb in CS.

"Either they'll come out or they gonna lose."

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/rjjpxx/why_so_many_people_are_ashamed_of_winning_by/

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