Why won’t wargaming add more new maps?

They had like 10 new maps in last year recon missions. And it took one fucking year to add one of these maps. And no doubt these new maps they had are definitely better than some of the current maps. Are they waiting for perfect music for each map? They have very iconic and beautiful music for most of the released maps.

I’m that kind of player who likes to play in the most fun and aggressive way possible. And it was soo much fun playing recon missions. People don’t know the maps so the game is so much more forgiving, unpredictable, stalemates and 3mins games rarely happens.

But in some of the current maps, especially in high tiers, people already know the maps and meta playstyles. They go for cookie cutter playstyles (the best they know) and it leads to a snowball or a stalemate. If one side is better, it quickly snowball and becomes a 3mins game. If both sides are equally matched, it becomes a boring stalemate more often than it should be because it’s just too unforgiving for the team who break out the stalemate.
Some of the maps are just outright bad for certain tank classes.

Just add more maps and and more blacklist map slots.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/x19bcm/why_wont_wargaming_add_more_new_maps/

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