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WoT Emails On Your Performance

I'm sure I'm not the only one getting these – I hadn't noticed them before because they got sent to the spam folder.

It seems that WoT sends you an email each month summarizing your play and performance for the last month. Here's a screen capture of the one I got this month.

Now, I'm not posting this to brag, but to express skepticism. I'm a decent player with around 2k WN8 and pretty much exclusively play tier 8 and 9 solo, but I just have a hard time believing that puts me in the top 3% of the players on NA. I'd say I'm more like the top 20% and even then I too often play like a donkey. While I try to play well, I'm not a try-hard.

I'd be interested to see who these WG emails are rating other people's performance and what you all think about them.


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