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7.01 [GUIDE] “The NO option Anti-Mage” [UPDATE]

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DISCLAIMER: This guide is not ment to be the new big meta or anything, this is simply an alternative to Anti-Mage that has been very useful for me when i face a very difficult lane. Example, If you somehow get shoved into an offlane, or if you can't get a Ring of Health by minute 5 thanks to a very agressive support combo. You aren't going to win the game if you insist on pushing it to late game if your early game is lost. This guide is to get online earlier and help your team. If you feel like you will have a bad lane with your enemy's lineup, consider trying this out once

Hello my fellow redditors, This is an update to my Offlane Anti-Mage guide (or for when you have a rough Early game). Listening to your complaints, i made the text less annoying and fixed spelling errors. As for the guide itself, i want to explain a few things. I'm not a Pro or even close, this is ment to be a fun guide with items that really helped me whenever i have a shitty early game with Anti-Mage, I feel the talent system really made heroes more versatile and i tried something that really worked out for me.


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