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A compliation of ideas that could be added in valheims future

Is Valheim coming

I cant promise all of these will be new or that all of these will be added, this is more of a ramble and a prompt for any would be modders and perhaps some onlooking developers

First i want to talk about unique items

Chitin for example, the only uses for it so far are to create the abyssal weapons, of which you have a spear that does minimal damage but does teather your target to you, this is the only weapon of such unique poportion excluding the recent mistlands update which has given us magic weapons, i think we will see plenty of unique weapons in the future, but more specifically i like that chitin was somewhat hidden away in the world, it wasnt so obvious a thing to go out and get, i think it would be cool to be able to craft armour from it too, if for no other real reason than to have a talk piece in your house for those who havent even discovered chitin yet

I took some inspiration from the harpoon here, but what about a rope dart? itd fit neatly into the knife class and it would be a ranged option, whether its always ranged with the use of M1 or only its M3 attack throws it, i think having some more distinction in the weapons side of things would be fun, a rope dart in my mind would always be ranged, its m1 would flick it out and do single combatant damage, its m3 would be like an atgeir, its damage would be akin to a knifes, but it would be snappy and ranged

In the sword class you could do something similar with a sword whip, before i go on i will say that i am more than aware that valheim is a game about vikings at its core and that the two weapons i have mentioned are of asian decent, but from what i know neither is the queen recently seen in the mistlands, nor were bugs, just because at its core valheim is a game of vikings doesnt mean theres no room to bend the rules

i think something as simple as a dual wielded axe would be interesting, just something to diversify the rigidity of the most common classes of weapons

Now, this part is admittedly what has prompted me to post this, armour.

i had some thoughts having seen weapons sacrificing blood for their respective gain, berserk fans know where im going with this, berserker armour.

if youre unfamiliar with berserk, there is a legendary set of armour that the main character uses called berserker armour, it effectively pushes the limits of the wearer, it increases the strength, stamina (you see where this is going) overall speed of movement, attacks etc.
for the hardcore fans i will say that canonically all it really does is remove things like pain from the equation, stabilizes broken bones so the wearer can continue to fight even while seriously injured, but what you read in the manga or watch in the anime does not represent that well at all.

anyway, how would this work in valheim?

One of three ways.

1, the more damage you sustain(attacks landed by an enemy in a set time)/ health you lose (one or the other depending on balancing relating to relevancy), the slower your stamina depletes, the more damage you do, the less health you lose(fixed so youre not boarderline immortal).

2, you are constantly losing health whilst wearing this armour, this is slow, think every 5 minutes youll need to pop a health potion or something along those lines. But you constantly have the berserker buff, less stamina is needed for attacks, you deal more damage, this damage scales with how low your health is, think 100% increase within the first 2/3rds of your health bar, but something like 200% in the last third, then something insane like 300% if youre in double digits

3, it acts like a boss buff, you choose when to pop it, but you **CAN NOT** turn it off, that also means no removal of the armour either, its a commitment to use and this way youd be forced to use it sparingly.
if it worked in the form of a buff itd be easier to fine tune, you could bleed out quicker and only have the buff for 5 minutes or even less

my personal favourite of the three is option 2, it makes the armour feel like a commitment, its a constant thing you have to keep an eye on, similar to how the food system we already know in valheim works, you have to be on top of it.

Thats all for the berserker armour, it would be cool to see two handed swords expanded upon for unrelated reasons 🙂

anyway time for another two for one idea and the penultimate idea

with the new eitr robes, ive been getting mmo rpg vibes, we have our rogues, we have our mages… what about tanks.

I think we could take what valheim has done with the -5% movespeed on certain items and make it something you can really feel using tank armour

Something insane like -15% or even -20% would be good for bosses that really want to stay on you, it could have a set bonus that is effectively how taunting works in other games, it gives you agro so your team of however many people can focus on DPS whilst you focus on CC

with this, of course, a healing staff. with the recent magic staffs i can see a clear attempt to add support options into the game, the fire staff is support CC/DPS, the frost staff is support DPS and debuff, both blood magic weapons are outright support options, so why not have an outright support staff in the form of a healing staff

my final idea is a mix of the eitr and stamina based systems

i love build crafting in valheim, with the addition of magic ive got some pretty crazy builds going on that function so well entirely because the eitr and stamina system are not one in the same, but what if they were?

magic weapons. we already have this to an extent in the game, but what about a sword that uses both eitr and stamina, split between the two of course because well, i dont think anyone would be down for using 14 stamina and 14 eitr per sword swing but you get the idea, there is room for exploration in that front.

i realise my ideas are not exactly inspiring, but hopefully they were thought provoking for you 🙂


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