I see this a lot in game and I don't see many people saying this so I want to reiterate a few things for the newer players.
- Go into every raid with an objective, don't go in blind.
- Play slow! There's usually no need to play like its CoD (If you hear someone reloading a mag super close, PUSH PUSH PUSH.)
- Reposition often. This is a solo players best friend as groups tend to stay around the same area. If you kill one of them, reposition and attack from another angle
- Play to survive. If you see a gunfight coming that isn't favorable for you, LEAVE.
- It is never worth not insuring.
- if you have more than 1mil roubles, run better ammo and at least level 3 armor.
There's a ton more but these I feel are always good to be reminded about
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/hcw0uo/a_reminder_to_new_players/