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All Items needed for Kappa and where to find them quickly.

Starting with the easy ones you dont need to worry about.

Rooster: Safes mosty, spawns most of the time in managers office on labs and anywhere with high value barter trade items.

Axe: You can get one most likley after killing 30 or so scavs, very common,

Firesteel: FInd this almost 60% of the time in streamer cage on labs. (Middle of the map in the mechanical arm room.

1G Phone: Techlite and texho/rassM spawn these very often, find it in 1-3 runs.

Book: Safes are the most reliable way to get them, relativly common.

Sprats|Mayo : Under managers office but honestly any food spawns/kitchens across all the maps.

Beardoil: Furniture store near oli on the shelves in the back, VERY common in streamer cage.

GunLube. I find like 1-2 every single tiem I go streamer cage on labs.

Kotton Beanie: A bit more rare but commonly spawns on scavs and raiders.

Raven: Safes mostly and also high value barter item spawns

Mustache: Very common on scavs.

Badge: Managers office on labs, very common, also in safes

*******These are the most god awful items in the game and you will only find them when you are specifically not looking for them.

Shroud mask Pestily Mask and Lupo Beans,

Lupo beans spawn in the ration boxes on reserve in the bunkers, also have a hard spawn on shoreline in the chairmens house.

**Check dead scavs and factory shelves as well, found 3 of them there, this one is easier to find than the other two but takes a bit of searching.

Shroud and pestily mask,

Holy shit you probably clicked for these fucking shithead items but make sure to ALWAYS run moonshine until you have both of them, I got mine out of moonshine and so did majority of kappa owners.

Do not farm scavs as I have literally gone 4000 scavs and only found one, you will 100% get it from moonshine but it just might take a bit, if you are lucky 1-3 days, avg 1 week, and shithead luck about 2-3 weeks.

Shroud masks spawn on scavs and they arent as rare as pestily but if you keep doing moonshine and chekcing scavs you will get one, also takes a bit of time.

There are no hard spawns for these items, even tho peopel say oLd gAsTaTioN, that shit can spawn anything so its the same as farming scavs.

MOONSHINE MOONSHINE MOONSHINE for these kappa items is so usefull.

If I missed aything which I 100% just comment it and make sure to check the comments if you need kappa items still.


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