Consider adding potion based abilities!

Is Valheim coming

How cool would it be if you could craft potions that grant you abilities? I’m not talking about OP super powers but abilities that enhance and add another dimension to combat. 

For example, imagine a potion you could craft that gives you a speed boost for a set amount of time or something like AARD from the Witcher 3 (psychokinetic force that pushes that pushes enemies/things in a direction). 

Like everything else in Valheim, crafting recipes for potions that grant temporary abilities should be unlocked as you progress through the bosses and should fit within their existing elemental class system (frost, fire, poison, etc.) They would have to be balanced appropriately, as something like a fire ability could easily become damage dealing spam. 

The fact that abilities will require farming resources, will be temporal, and must be consumed to activate would mean players would have to put thought into the use of them.


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