Damage Falloff and ammo website update

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There's a lot of new changes to the Website, including several big changes to the chart itself

I've redesigned the ammo chart to reflect the recent changes this wipe:

Removed Armor Damage %

This was a rarely useful stat, that I think confused a lot of people about what it represented or did. It was a modifier to the armor damage dealt to armor, but the base armor damage is based on the pen of the ammo more than anything. It was only ever useful for comparing two ammos with nearly the same pen to see which would destroy armor slightly faster. It confused people, it wasn't that useful, and I felt the chart was getting cluttered so it's gone now.

Added Recoil +/-%

Ammo recoil hasn't actually worked properly until this wipe so it hasn't been relevant until now. It is in %. It is not a flat change.

Added Effective Range

So this is a sort of made-up stat to give a good representation of damage falloff. This is the distance at which a bullet has lost 25% of its total damage and pen, measured in meters. This stat does not take into account changes to muzzle velocity from the gun. Muzzle velocity changes produce complicated changes in damage falloff, so don't go looking for increased velocity guns just for less damage falloff.

Added Maximum Headshot Distance

This is the maximum distance at which a bullet can do 35 damage. This stat does not take into account changes to muzzle velocity from the gun.

These range stats were far more relevant a few days ago before they changed damage falloff, but they're still a nice to have I guess.

Here's a larger list of other features added over the last month:

  • Graph View added: You'll be able to cherry pick the ammos you want and use the buttons below to understand what classes they defeat
  • Ammos can now be compared
  • Ammos that are not available on the flea market will have a special indicator
  • Live flea market prices column
  • Ammo blocks are now collapsible
  • Sortable columns (descending/ascending order)
  • (Beta) Traders restock timers
  • Hovering on the ak47 gun will show a tooltip listing all guns that use that specific ammo category
  • Hovering on the headers will provide you with additional informations about that column
  • Page will now load much faster
  • Improved mobile UX
  • Fully responsive styling. Colours palette and font updated

The website is run by FiloDreamz, so thank him for the sick site.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/s9u79d/damage_falloff_and_ammo_website_update/

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