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Detailed Quest Spreadsheet for Escape from Tarkov


This was my first wipe where I really dedicated my time to quest. I found it frustrating that there is no easy way in game to see what quest you can do if you were to go to a certain map. I decided to create this spreadsheet so that I could easily sort and see what quests could be completed in my single raid. This will show you all quests and what you have to do to complete it. There are also links to the wiki page if more information is needed.

I figured some of you might get some benefit out of it. I have linked a short video that will show you how to use the spreadsheet in the most efficient way.

In order for this spreadsheet to be used and tailored to you, you will have to save a copy.

If there are any issues or if you have any suggestions, please comment here or send a PM.

I will be keeping this updated as the game updates and quests get updated.

Link to Spreadsheet

Link to Video Tutorial


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